Variance in Typescript specifies how a generic type F<T>
varies with respect to its type parameter T
If T extends U
, variance allows to know how F<T>
and F<U>
are related:
- Covariant:
F<T> extends F<U>
- Contravariant:
F<U> extends F<T>
- Invariant: Neither covariant nor contravariant
- Bivariant:
F<T> extends F<U>
andF<U> extends F<T>
Enough with abstract definitions. Let's see how this works in practice 👇
How variance works in Typescript
We are going to understand variance in practice using the following types:
interface Animal {
animalStuff: any;
interface Dog extends Animal {
dogStuff: any;
type Getter<T> = () => T; // Covariant
type Setter<T> = (value: T) => void; // Contravariant
type Inv<T> = (value: T) => T; // Invariant
We use a function type with a generic parameter T
In the example we have Animal
and Dog
, where Dog extends Animal
. Variance allows to define the relation between Getter<Animal>
and Getter<Dog>
(same for Setter
and Inv
If Dog extends Animal
, is it still true that Getter<Dog> extends Getter<Animal>
Let's see. We are going to show how variance works with a practical example 👇
Getter function
An example of Covariant is the getter function:
type Getter<T> = () => T; // Covariant
This function takes no parameters and returns a value of a generic type T
Covariant means that when Dog extends Animal
then also Getter<Dog> extends Getter<Animal>
We can prove this by implementing a Getter<Dog>
const getDog: Getter<Dog> = () => ({ animalStuff: "", dogStuff: "" });
We then define a function that takes a Getter<Animal>
as parameter:
const withGetAnimal = (get: Getter<Animal>) => get().animalStuff;
Can we call withGetAnimal
with getDog
as parameter? Since Getter
is covariant, the answer is yes:
withGetAnimal((): Animal => {
return getDog(); // () => Dog
}); // Covariant
requires a function that returns an Animal
). Since getDog
returns a Dog
, which is an Animal
since Dog extends Animal
, then this works correctly.
Therefore since Dog extends Animal
then also Getter<Dog> extends Getter<Animal>
Does the opposite also apply?
If Dog extends Animal
can we conclude that Getter<Animal> extends Getter<Dog>
Notice how
are inverted compared to before.
Let's do the same as we did in the example above, with getAnimal
instead of getDog
const getAnimal: Getter<Animal> = () => ({ animalStuff: "" });
const withGetDog = (get: Getter<Dog>) => get().dogStuff;
Can we pass getAnimal
to withGetDog
? The answer is no:
withGetDog((): Dog => {
// ⛔️ Property 'dogStuff' is missing in type 'Animal' but required in type 'Dog'
return getAnimal(); // () => Animal
}); // No Contravariant
requires a function that returns a Dog
). getAnimal
returns an Animal
, but Animal
is not a Dog
, since it is missing the dogStuff
interface Animal {
animalStuff: any;
interface Dog extends Animal {
dogStuff: any; // 👈 `Animal` is not `Dog`
Therefore Dog extends Animal
does not imply Getter<Animal> extends Getter<Dog>
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Every week I dive headfirst into a topic, uncovering every hidden nook and shadow, to deliver you the most interesting insights
Not convinced? Well, let me tell you more about it
Setter function
An example of Contravariant instead is the setter function:
type Setter<T> = (value: T) => void; // Contravariant
This function takes a single parameters of type T
and returns void
Just as before, we define a Setter<Dog>
const setDog: Setter<Dog> = (dog) => {
dog.dogStuff = 1;
And also a function that takes a Setter<Animal>
as parameter:
const withSetAnimal = (set: Setter<Animal>) => set({ animalStuff: "" });
Can we pass setDog
to withSetAnimal
? The answer is no:
withSetAnimal((animal /** Animal */) => {
// ⛔️ Argument of type 'Animal' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Dog'
setDog(animal); // (value: Dog) => void
}); // Contravariant
gives us an Animal
as parameter. However, getDog
requires a Dog
. As we said previously, Animal
is not a Dog
, since it is missing the dogStuff
interface Animal {
animalStuff: any;
interface Dog extends Animal {
dogStuff: any; // 👈 `Animal` is not `Dog`
We cannot pass animal
to setDog
. Therefore Dog extends Animal
does not imply Setter<Dog> extends Setter<Animal>
, Setter
is not covariant.
We do the same inverting Dog
and Animal
, defining a setAnimal
function this time:
const withSetDog = (set: Setter<Dog>) => set({ animalStuff: "", dogStuff: "" });
const setAnimal: Setter<Animal> = (animal) => {
animal.animalStuff = 1;
accepts setAnimal
? The answer is yes:
withSetDog((dog /** Dog */) => {
setAnimal(dog); // (value: Animal) => void
}); // Contravariant
gives us a Dog
. Since setAnimal
accepts an Animal
, and since Dog
is an Animal
(Dog extends Animal
), we can pass dog
to setAnimal
is contravariant: Dog extends Animal
implies that Setter<Animal> extends Setter<Dog>
An example of Invariance is the following:
type Inv<T> = (value: T) => T; // Invariant
A function that takes a parameter of type T
and returns T
Same as before we define a Inv<Dog>
, withAnimalInv
We can see that we cannot apply invDog
to withAnimalInv
const withAnimalInv = (inv: Inv<Animal>) => inv({ animalStuff: "" });
const invDog: Inv<Dog> = (dog) => ({ animalStuff: "", dogStuff: "" });
withAnimalInv((animal): Animal => {
// ⛔️ Argument of type 'Animal' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Dog' (Input type!)
return invDog(animal); // (value: Dog) => Dog
provides an Animal
and expects a return type of Animal
. invDog
indeed returns a Dog
, which is a valid Animal
. However, invDog
also requires a Dog
as parameter, so animal
is not valid.
Therefore Inv<T>
is not covariant.
We do the same for contravariance by defining invAnimal
const withDogInv = (inv: Inv<Dog>) => inv({ animalStuff: "", dogStuff: "" });
const invAnimal: Inv<Animal> = (animal) => ({ animalStuff: "" });
withDogInv((dog): Dog => {
// ⛔️ Type 'Animal' is not assignable to type 'Dog' (Return type!)
return invAnimal(dog); // (value: Animal) => Animal
provides a Dog
. In this case we can pass dog
to invAnimal
since it requires an Animal
. This time instead the error comes from the return type: withDogInv
requires a Dog
as return type, but invAnimal
returns an Animal
Therefore Inv<T>
is not contravariant.
Since Inv<T>
is not covariant and not contravariant, we say that Int<T>
is invariant:
Dog extends Animal
does not imply thatInv<Dog> extends Inv<Animal>
Dog extends Animal
does not imply thatInv<Animal> extends Inv<Dog>
There is more 🤩
Every week I dive headfirst into a topic, uncovering every hidden nook and shadow, to deliver you the most interesting insights
Not convinced? Well, let me tell you more about it
Variance and composition: Union and Intersection types
Variance is relevant also to understand composition in typescript:
Contravariant parameters composed as an intersection (
) are equivalent to covariant parameters composed together as a union (|
) for purposes of assignability
Simply put, this principle relates <A>
, <A | B>
, and <A & B>
when assigning variables:
- If I have
a = Type<A>
, can I assigna
tob: Type<A & B>
? - If I have
a = Type<A>
, can I assigna
tob: Type<A | B>
This assignability depends on variance.
Enough theory, let's see a concrete example to understand why this matter 👇
Union types
We are going to use Getter
, Setter
, and Inv
type Getter<T> = () => T; // Covariant
type Setter<T> = (value: T) => void; // Contravariant
type Inv<T> = (value: T) => T; // Invariant
Let's see an example for all of them.
const getterUnion = <A, B>(a: Getter<A>): Getter<A | B> => {
* `a`: function that returns `A`
* `b`: function that returns `A | B`
* It works since `A` is "included" in `A | B`
const b: Getter<A | B> = a;
return b;
It is possible to assign a variable of type Getter<A>
to a variable of type Getter<A | B>
is a function that returns the given type. A | B
means "A or B". Since Getter<A>
returns A
, its value can be assigned to A | B
const setterUnion = <A, B>(a: Setter<A>): Setter<A | B> => {
* ⛔️ 'B' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'A'
* `b`: (_: A | B) => void
const b: Setter<A | B> = a;
return b;
With Setter
this assignability does not work. Setter
requires a parameter of type A | B
, but Setter<A>
provides only A
* `a` is of type `{ a: number }`, but we provided `{ b: string }`
* so there is no way to actually have a valid `{ a: number }` for the setter 🤷🏼♂️
setterUnion<{ a: number }, { b: string }>((a) => {})({ b: "" });
In the example above we provide a type of { b: string }
, but Setter<A>
expects a type of { a: number }
, which is not present. Therefore assignability does not work.
const invUnion = <A, B>(a: Inv<A>): Inv<A | B> => {
/** ⛔️ 'A' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'A | B' */
const b: Inv<A | B> = a;
return b;
requires both input and output to be of type A | B
, so it is definitely not possible to assign A
Intersection types
We do the same analysis for intersection types (&
const getterIntersection = <A, B>(a: Getter<A>): Getter<A & B> => {
* ⛔️ 'B' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'A'
* `b` returns something that requires both `A` and `B`, but `a` provides only `A`
const b: Getter<A & B> = a;
return b;
This time Getter<A>
cannot be assigned to Getter<A & B>
Getter<A & B>
returns A & B
, "A and B", but Getter<A>
provides only A
. No assignability then.
const setterIntersection = <A, B>(a: Setter<A>): Setter<A & B> => {
* `a`: (_: A) => void
* `b`: (_: A & B) => void
* Input parameters will be provided later
* For now `A` is included in `A & B`, therefore this works
const b: Setter<A & B> = a;
return b;
The inverse is valid also for Setter
requires a parameter of type A & B
, "A and B". For Setter<A>
instead a parameter of type A
is enough. Since Setter<A & B>
gets access to both A
and B
, A
is available for Setter<A>
, so this works:
* Calling the function requires both `{ a: number }` and `{ b: string }`.
* We then pass `{ a: number }` to the first setter, this works ✅
setterIntersection<{ a: number }, { b: string }>((a) => {})({ b: "", a: 0 });
Finally Inv
const invIntersection = <A, B>(a: Inv<A>): Inv<A & B> => {
/** ⛔️ Type 'A' is not assignable to type 'A & B' */
const b: Inv<A & B> = a;
return b;
Same as before in this case, Inv<A>
cannot be assigned to Inv<A & B>
Assignability and Higher-Kinded Types
This principle is relevant to understand the encoding of Higher-Kinded Types in Typescript (from Effect):
export type Kind<F extends TypeLambda, In, Out2, Out1, Target> = F extends {
readonly type: unknown
? (F & {
readonly In: In
readonly Out2: Out2
readonly Out1: Out1
readonly Target: Target
: {
readonly F: F
readonly In: (_: In) => void // Contravariant
readonly Out2: () => Out2 // Covariant
readonly Out1: () => Out1 // Covariant
readonly Target: (_: Target) => Target // Invariant
In the Effect<R, E, A>
the above encoding defines how union (|
) and intersection (&
) are assignable to each generic parameter.
We are going to learn the details of Higher-Kinded Types and their encoding in Typescript in a follow up article 🔜
That's it!
You can find the full code at this Playground Link.
Now you have a good grasp of variance in Typescript and how it relates to assignability.
These are definitely more advanced concepts, not strictly necessary in your day to day work, but important to understand how Typescript works in all its aspects.
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Thanks for reading.