
The 6 growth stages of ideas

I picture the process of refining ideas in 6 growth stages. The more an idea is refined, the more confidence you have on applying it in a variety of situations.

Sandro Maglione

Sandro Maglione

Free thinking

It takes time to refine ideas. The process of discovery always starts by a keen interested and an excitement for the unknown. At this stage, the idea in your head is rough and unpolished, mostly a spark of interest. The initial research is a glimpse on the potential of this new idea. This is stage 1.

Stage 1: Interesting idea, but still rough and unpolished

With time you start creating connections. You assign a place in your head to this new idea, which gives it more color and shape. The surrounding context feeds on the idea, it builds clarity over time. You know where the idea originates and how it evolves. This is stage 2.

Stage 2: Valuable idea in the process of refinement

Worthy ideas are distinct, they stand out from their surroundings. You recognise the value of this specific idea and embark in a journey to discover more. You can now argue about some nuances and compare it with other more refined ideas. This is stage 3.

Stage 3: Distinct idea with a clear understanding of some nuances

Personal interest mixed with depth brings an idea to the forefront. You are in a quest to unveil the details, and why they make a difference. This is where you can clearly place the idea and argue its value over many other alternatives. This is stage 4.

Stage 4: Developed idea that stands out over many other alternatives

An idea must survive open and constructive external critiques. This polishing phase refines the idea even further. It surfaces unique nuances while pruning subtle mistakes and flaws. At this stage the idea stands on its own. The value of the idea is clear and undisputed. This is stage 5.

Stage 5: Polished and undisputed idea stripped of most flaws

Beyond that it's all about personal mastery. Obsessing over the idea over a long time reveals all the hidden secrets. You have an instinctive understanding of all the nuances. You can abstract the idea and make analogies that have value in a wide range of contexts and situations. The idea becomes yours. This is stage 6.

Stage 6: Idea that has universal value in many contexts and situations

Refining ideas is not a linear process. Complex ideas require time and research to evolve. They must prove their value over time, and stand strong against critiques and reality. You may realise flaws that render the idea invalid in some contexts. As such, ideas can cross multiple stages both up and down.

Smaller ideas have fewer nuances and applications. Their scope makes them faster to explore and master. Therefore, it's possible for them to cross multiple stages at once and reach a complete understanding in less time.

With the word "idea" I mean a mental representation of a series of interconnected thoughts. The more connections, the more an idea becomes refined. Each connection allows to place the idea in a broader context, to abstract and create analogies.

Polished ideas shape actions and behaviours. They have been pruned of most of their flaws, as such you have more confidence on applying them in a variety of practical situations.

A refined idea becomes intuition. You proved the value of the idea and made it part of your unconscious processing. Refined ideas are the base for mastery. Your intuition allows making faster and better decisions without perceived effort.

Intuitions are dangerous if not questioned. The validity of an idea is dependent on the context. Furthermore, no matter how refined, all ideas are prone to flaws. Therefore, even refined ideas can prove incorrect, and as such must be open to change. That's why the growth stages for any idea can vary over time, both up and down. As you learn more ideas, your question and improve your intuition.

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