

How I got into Functional Programming

This is my journey in learning functional programming and its core concepts, using multiple programming languages: from Lisp and Haskell, to object oriented languages like Dart and Kotlin, all the way to Typescript and the web.

Sandro Maglione

Sandro Maglione


For every language I try my first instinct is searching: "Functional programming in [language]"

My journey with functional started with Haskell, with these exact lines below:

inc n = n + 1
length :: [Integer] -> Integer length [] = 0
length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs

I (like most) knew mostly OOP at the time. This was a shock: "what's this mess!?" ๐Ÿคฏ

Now (mostly) everything is functional for me ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ

This is how I got here ๐Ÿ‘‡

Scheme (Racket) aka Lisp

I started with Lisp, specifically Racket (Scheme):

(lambda (x y) ; this is a comment
    (+ (* x x) (* y y)))

Completely different from anything I have seen before at the time ๐Ÿคจ

This language introduced me to some core ideas:

  • Every program is an expression: computation is based on evaluating expressions (no statements)
  • lambda functions (anonymous functions)
  • Recursion (specifically tail recursion)
  • Closures (higher order functions)
  • Meta-programming (macros)

I'll probably never use Racket for a production app: the real value was learning its core programming ideas

Haskell (purity)

Haskell is a pure functional language.

A pure functional language enforces immutability and no side effects

A new bag of ideas here as well:

  • Absence of side effects (purely functional computations) and how to deal with it (IO)
  • Currying
  • Type system
  • Pattern matching (everywhere)
  • Call-by-need (lazy evaluation)
  • Typeclasses

My focus was to understand why these features are useful ๐Ÿค”

This required exploring other languages to see how they deal with the same problems ๐Ÿ‘‡

There is more ๐Ÿคฉ

Every week I dive headfirst into a topic, uncovering every hidden nook and shadow, to deliver you the most interesting insights

Not convinced? Well, let me tell you more about it


I was interested in implementing functional ideas in dart.

Turns how OOP does not adapt too well into pure functional:

abstract class HKT<G, A> {
  const HKT();

mixin Functor<G, A> on HKT<G, A> {
  HKT<G, B> map<B>(B Function(A a) f);

Nonetheless, the main ideas still remain and work:

  • Managed side effects (IO, Task)
  • Errors as values (Either)
  • Immutability (map, fold)
  • Pattern matching (since dart 3 ๐ŸŽ‰)
  • Lambda functions

This is when I started using dartz, and then implemented the first version of fpdart


Typescript is more "functional friendly":

  • More focus on functions than classes
  • Better type inference (especially function return types)
  • More powerful type system (generic types)

My first library was purify-ts:

  • Maybe (aka Option)
  • Either
  • Immutability
  • Currying


Over time most language started adding more functional features: Kotlin is no exception.

I used Arrow:

  • Coroutines (suspend) instead of IO
  • map, fold, zip
  • Option and Either

Kotlin and Dart share a similar OOP origin: the patterns used to achieve functional programming are similar as well


Most recently I tried OCaml as well.

OCaml goes full into pattern matching. It looks more like Haskell:

let collect_digits dig str =
  let int_option = int_of_string_opt str in
  match dig, int_option with
  | Empty, None -> Empty
  | Empty, Some n -> Full (n, n)
  | Full (f, l), None -> Full (f, l)
  | Full (f, _), Some n -> Full (f, n)

At these point all the patterns start to repeat: immutability, no side effects, purity, lambda functions and more

Hopefully this gives you an idea of a typical "functional programming journey".

I encourage you to research more about the features and patterns that I mentioned to understand how you can benefit from these ideas.

Take a look also at Effect Systems: these are the next step ๐Ÿš€

See you next ๐Ÿ‘‹

Start here.

Every week I dive headfirst into a topic, uncovering every hidden nook and shadow, to deliver you the most interesting insights

Not convinced? Well, let me tell you more about it