My experience at the biggest React conference worldwide

Sandro Maglione

Sandro Maglione

Software development

I was in Amsterdam last week to attend the the biggest javascript and react conferences worldwide: JSNation and React Summit.

I went there as the official representative of the Effect Community ✈️

These are all my takeaways 👇

Conferences are for meeting people

It's sound cliché. You hear everyone saying this.

But once you experience it, you realize it's definitely true.

The main reason for attending a conference is to meet like-minded people 🙋🏼‍♂️

Everyone from all around the globe joins in one place. All people passionate about a specific technology. Absolutely a great chance to get to know interesting people 🙌

Winning is fun

Why an official representative of Effect at JSNation? 🤔

Effect was nominated for The Most Exciting Use of Technology in the JavaScript Open Source Awards, and I was there to represent the whole community 👇

Guess what? We won! 🏆

Thanks everyone from the community and Effectful Technologies for this amazing opportunity and experience 🚀

Highlights: React 19, ESLint, Native APIs

The center of everyone's attention was React 19 (of course).

Here is a list of my highlights from the conference:

  • React 19 changes how you write frontend code with React: not just client anymore, but including more and more the server as well ⚛
  • ESLint v9 with Flat Config and Config Inspector will make life so much easier 🪄
  • State machines are bound to solve LLMs and hallucinations (possibly) 👀
  • The local-first and CRDTs trend is spreading 🔥
  • Many new CSS, HTML, and browser APIs ready to be used 🫡
  • Codeium (alternative to Github Copilot) looks interesting 🤔

There is more.

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What's next

Attending a conference is always a source of great inspiration and motivation:

  • I am seriously thinking of joining a conference as a speaker, stay tuned 👀
  • Many new technologies on my TO-TRY list (while sharing everything that I learn 🤝)
  • Already planning my next major project 👇

I already joined 3 conferences this year: Effect Days, Localfirst Conf, and JSNation+ReactSummit 🔥

I definitely suggest you to join more conferences as well, it's an experience that's worth every moment (check out a list of conference here) 🚀

Back to work now 👨‍💻

See you next 👋

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